
I think it's time

that I start getting serious about selling my jewelry and other handmade items. I've been finding every excuse in the book not to do it, despite almost daily encouragement from family, friends and acquaintances (SO flattering!). I really WANT to do it, but I've been afraid. So. . . . . I just spent some time on Etsy. I set up my password and will try to set up my own little shop here in the near future. I think it's worth trying, because I can have as many or as little items up for sale. I can also refer people who are interested in my craftiness to my site. Fun!! Any tips from Etsy users out there?


Anonymous said...

I wish you lots of luck. I've been trying to get myself together to start a shop with my things too. I'll be waiting for an update to see how it goes for you.

Chark said...

Hey there - Do it!
Read this post from Marta! Maybe it will get you started!